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2022-11-23 13:58:05View:

Wood Encyclopedia: Gambia grandiflora

Bark: 0.4~1.2cm thick, hard and brittle, not easy to peel; Light red patches are often left on the wood surface after the bark is peeled off. The outer skin is grayish white or grayish brown; Oval lenticels are small and numerous. The endothelium is brown and the stone cells are developed; Layered arrangement. Cross section: The difference between heartsapwood and sapwood is obvious. The heartwood is orange red brown, with yellowish brown thin strips. The sapwood is light yellow brown, often blue. The growth ring is slightly visible. Macro structure: loose porous material. The tube hole is obvious under the naked eye, few, slightly larger; The main pipe hole is single pipe hole, and a few diameter multiple pipe holes (2-3); It contains dark brown gum. The axial parenchyma is obvious and developed under the naked eye, most of which are long poly wings. A few of them are in the shape of long wing, belt and wheel boundary. Obvious under the wood ray magnifier, medium density, narrow.